1985 – 1990
Master of Business Administration, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Thesis: A Study into the Justification of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (Faculty of Financing and Investing);
Courses: National economics; Business economics; Financing and investing, Costs and profits, Internal administration, Marketing; Corporations and government policy
1984 – 1985
Business Administration, Technical University Delft, The Netherlands
1981 – 1984
Propaedeuse Economics and Bachelor Business Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
1974 – 1981
Highschool, Atheneum B, Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands
Work Experience
07/2007 – present
Current work:
In 2005 all WHO countries signed a contract to adhere to the regulations as they were set forth in the International Health Regulations (IHR). These regulations were developed to assess and guide countries to have a well-functioning emergency system in place. The system should be able to detect, prepare and respond to all the possible emergencies that may pose a risk to countries. Since 2005 many countries have put an effort into adhering to the IHR, but there are many that are still falling short. The WHO has, among other, developed guidelines and tools that facilitate the countries when they plan to upscale their emergency systems. One of these tools is a calculation template for costing the National Action plan for Health Security (NAPHS) of countries. I have been closely involved with the development of this tool for the past 5 years. The tool has been developed in close cooperation with various countries. It has undergone many iterations to incorporate suggestions given by experts in the field or (test) users of the tool.
The tool has currently been used in about 50 countries. I personally, have been on missions to; Tanzania, Cameroon, Moldova, Morocco, Sierra Leone, Uganda (2), Eritrea, Armenia, Mozambique, Kirghizstan, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh. I have worked with Centre for Disease Control (CDC) in the US (Atlanta) for collaboration on a separate tool for their use.
I have developed and taught train the trainer courses in Tunisia and Congo Brazzaville.
To facilitate the use of the tool in country I have developed a manual, a learning environment, presentations and videos.
For the last few missions I have been the project lead. Keeping close contact with the country before the mission and gathering information to develop a customized tool for their use. During the country mission I headed the workshops and ensured that the right participants were present. I ensured also that the correct data was presented and used in the tool. After the mission I validated the costing that was done in the country and developed specific tables and graphs the country needed. If necessary I facilitated the country in their analyses for their NAPHS. If an official NAPHS was necessary for the country I participated in writing their NAPHS. All the forgoing in close cooperation with the WHO county office.
To facilitate the project management for all these missions and NAPHS I have developed a monitoring tool that helps us keep track of what is necessary and where bottlenecks for the timely execution of NAPHS may appear.
Selected other projects:
- Programming an excel based calculation template for calculating the health information costs in developing countries (WHO). The Costing Tool for calculating a NAPHS.
- Calculating a global price tag (GPT) for the health information system (HIS) for lower – and middle income countries (WHO)
- Development of a model for reimbursement in the Netherlands of a drug treatment (Pharma)
- Calculating the costs for upscaling the Health Information System (HIS) for lower – and upper middle income countries (WHO)
- Developing a costing template for the costing of the international health regulations IHR (WHO).
- Training of health care executives on Medical Technology Assessment for reimbursement issues (Pharma).
- Validation of a model for cardiovascular diseases (Pharma)
- Developing a model suitable for reimbursement issues in various European countries (Pharma)
- Performed cost calculations concerning the Human Resources and the Health Information System components for the High Level Taskforce on International Innovative Financing for Health Systems. (World Health Organization, WHO)
- Developed an online course for the E-nursing internet site, intended to educate hospital personnel in (business) economic concepts. (Educational institution)
- As part of a team, developed the Marginal Budgeting for Bottlenecks (MBB) model for the World Bank and UNICEF. (World Bank, UNICEF)
- Performed cost calculations for the intergovernmental working group on public health, innovation and intellectual property. (WHO)
- Developed a costing template to be used for Global Fund applications for Health Information Systems in developing countries. (WHO)
- Developed a costing template for the calculation of costs for youth & adolescent friendly health services. (WHO)
10/2005 – 07/2007
Technical Officer, Health Systems Financing, World Health Organization, Geneva
- Development of Health Systems Strengthening Tool (“Backbone”) to integrate various disease specific tools and model the resources necessary to reach targets set by the Millennium Development Goals MDG’s) – in collaboration with other departments within WHO, Health Metrics Network (HMN), World Bank and JSI/DELIVER.
06/2001 – 05/2002
Global Health Technology Manager (part-time), IsoTis, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
- Coordinator and initiator of Health Technology Assessment and Reimbursement studies into biotechnology compounds
11/1996 – 10/2005
Research Fellow and associate professor, Institute for Medical Technology Assessment (iMTA), University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Coordinator and associate professor of “Business Economics in Health Care”, “Financing in Health Care” and general skills and software courses (Faculty of Policy and Management in Health Care).
- Responsible for a number of initiatives, such as introducing the interactive learning environment “Blackboard”, the IT development within iMTA as well as the Institute’s internet site’
03/1994 – 10/1996
Assistant Controller, Center for accounting services Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
- Reporting to management, making yearly and quarterly accounts
PC skills Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook), SPSS, TreeAge, DATA, and @RISK, iThink.
Advanced and in depth modelling experience based on self developed, tailor-made spreadsheet models.
Languages Dutch (mothertongue)
English (fluent)
French (intermediate)
Tennis, reading, photography; the use of the computer in education
Mghamba JM, Talisuna AO, Suryantoro L, Saguti GE, Muita M, Bakari M, Rusibamayila N, Ally M, Bernard J, Banda R, Mapunda M, Eidex R, Sreedharan R, Sliter K, Nikkari S, Saikat S, Lolong GPM, Verboom P, Yahaya AA, Chungong S, Rodier G, Fall IS.
BMJ Glob Health. 2018 Mar 9;3(2):e000600. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000600. eCollection 2018. Review.
Stenberg K, Hanssen O, Edejer TT, Bertram M, Brindley C, Meshreky A, Rosen JE, Stover J, Verboom P, Sanders R, Soucat A.
Lancet Glob Health. 2017 Sep;5(9):e875-e887. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(17)30263-2. Epub 2017 Jul 17.
- Hakkaart L, Verboom P, Phillips R, Al MJ The cost utility of solifenacin in the treatment of overactive bladder. Int Urol Nephrol. 2008 Aug 15.
- Paul Verboom, Tessa Tan-Torres Edejer, David B Evans The costs of eliminating critical shortages in human resources for health. Background paper for the World Health Report 2006
- J. Bakker, P.Verboom Technology Assessment. In : Intensive Care Medicine in 10 Years (Update in Intensive Care & Emergency Medicine) Mitchell P. Fink (Editor), Peter M. Suter (Editor), William J. Sibbald (Editor), 2006, Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K ISBN: 3540260927
- Herder GJ, Kramer H, Hoekstra OS, Smit EF, Pruim J, van Tinteren H, Comans EF, Verboom P, Uyl-de Groot CA, Welling A, Paul MA, Boers M, Postmus PE, Teule GJ, Groen HJ; POORT Study Group. Traditional versus up-front [18F] fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography staging of non-small-cell lung cancer: a Dutch cooperative randomized study. J Clin Oncol. 2006 Apr 20;24(12):1800-6.
- Verboom P, van Hout BE, Niessen L. Raloxifene in the prevention of osteoporosis, a modeling approach. Report 2005.
- Uyl-de Groot CA, Vermorken JB, Hanna MG Jr, Verboom P, Groot MT, Bonsel GJ, Meijer CJ, Pinedo HM. Immunotherapy with autologous tumor cell-BCG vaccine in patients with colon cancer: a prospective study of medical and economic benefits. Vaccine. 2005 Mar 18;23(17-18):2379-87.
- Redekop WK, McDonnell J, Verboom P, Lovas K, Kalo Z. The cost effectiveness of Apligraf treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Pharmacoeconomics. 2003;21(16):1171-83.
- Verboom P, van Tinteren H, Hoekstra OS, Smit EF, van den Bergh JH, Schreurs AJ, Stallaert RA, van Velthoven PC, Comans EF, Diepenhorst FW, van Mourik JC, Postmus PE, Boers M, Grijseels EW, Teule GJ, Uyl-de Groot CA; PLUS study group. Cost-effectiveness of FDG-PET in staging non-small cell lung cancer: the PLUS study. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2003 Nov;30(11):1444-9.
- Verboom P, Herder GJ, Hoekstra OS, Smit EF, van den Bergh JH, van Velthoven PC, Grijseels EW. Staging of non-small-cell lung cancer and application of FDG-PET. A cost modeling approach. Int J Technol Assess Health Care. 2002 Summer;18(3):576-85.
- Verboom P, Hakkaart-Van L, Sturkenboom M, De Zeeuw R, Menke H, Rutten F. The cost of atopic dermatitis in the Netherlands: an international comparison. Br J Dermatol. 2002 Oct;147(4):716-24. Review.
- Verboom, P. , Hakkaart- van Roijen, L. , Sturkenboom, M.C.J.M. , Zeeuw, R. de, Menke, H.E. , Rutten, F.F.H. (2002). Epidemiology and Health services research. The cost of atopic dermatitis in the Netherlands: an international comparison. British Journal of Dermatology, 147, 9 pp., 716-724
- Tinteren van H, Hoekstra OS, Smit EF, van den Bergh JH, Schreurs AJ, Stallaert RA, van Velthoven PC, Comans EF, Diepenhorst FW, Verboom P, van Mourik JC, Postmus PE, Boers M, Teule GJ. Effectiveness of positron emission tomography in the preoperative assessment of patients with suspected non-small-cell lung cancer: the PLUS multicentre randomised trial. Lancet. 2002 Apr 20;359(9315):1388-93.
- Herder GJ, Verboom P, Smit EF, van Velthoven PC, van den Bergh JH, Colder CD, van Mansom I, van Mourik JC, Postmus PE, Teule GJ, Hoekstra OS. Practice, efficacy and cost of staging suspected non-small cell lung cancer: a retrospective study in two Dutch hospitals. Thorax. 2002 Jan;57(1):11-4.
- P.Verboom ; L. Hakkaart-van Roijen (2001):Review into the costs of atopic dermatitis :
- van TinterenH J, Smit EF, Verboom P, Hoekstra OS on behalf of the IKA-PLUS Study Group Control Clin Trials. 2001 Feb;22(1):89-98. Towards less Futile Surgery in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer? A Randomized Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Cost-effectiveness of Positron Emission Tomography.
- Schreuder B, Verboom P, van Rijn T: Economische evaluatie in de gezondheidszorg : Gezichtspunten van partijen : Health Management Forum 2000
- Ken Redekop; Paul Verboom ; Joseph McDonnell: Treatment of diabetic foot ulcers with Apligraf and good wound care versus good wound care only: a comparison of costs and effects ; Report 2001
- Hakkaart-van Roijen L , Verboom P,Touw C, Redekop K: international study on the costs and effects of the treatment of psoriasis with intermittent short course of oral cyclosporin microemulsion (Neoral), Pharmacoeconomics, 2001
- van Hout B; Verboom P; Obermann K; Graf Von Der Schulenburg M: The costs and effects of aspirin in primary prevention An assessment of certainties and uncertainties; Report 2000
- Lijmer J, van den Hout W, Wouter de Monye, Sanson, BJ, Verboom P, Prins M, Huisman Mm Pattynama P, Büller H on behalf of the ANTELOPE study group: Cost-effectiveness of noninvasive diagnostic strategies in pulmonary embolism.
- Drs. P. Verboom ; Drs. H.A. Post; Mw. A. Kasteel-van Linge, Dr. J.J. van Busschbach: Neupogen® in de behandeling van chronische otitis media. Een vooronderzoek met betrekking tot kosten. Report 1999